Our preschool room is for children aged two, up to five years old. The children are mixed and we acknowledge the support older children can be to the new younger starters.  The main room is split into different areas:

Building / construction area

This has a wide variety of building bricks and blocks.

Small world area

This includes farm and jungle animals, bugs, figures, train set, happyland and vehicles.

Arts and crafts area

With a ‘help yourself’ trolley – that has a variety of paints, papers, pens and modelling items. Children also have access to scissors and we teach them the importance of safety.

Role play area

This area has new role-play panels to help child’s imagination when creating a home/shop/café area.  We have dress up and recreate familiar scenes, such as feeding a baby, doing the washing etc. This area is changed regularly and can include, a builders yard, police station, vets, doctors, café or office.

Book and quiet area

The children have the opportunity to access books throughout the session and usually an adult is located in this area.  We also have group time twice daily where we read stories, sing songs, listen to music, play sound games or story sacks.

Malleable and messy table

Every session we provide an opportunity for children to explore different materials for sensory exploration.  We use jelly, cereals, rice, pasta, playdough and gloop. This table is also used for our cookery activities.

Mathematics area

This area includes a wide variety of activities which the children can access independently. These resources include measuring tapes; jugs; number lines; sorting objects.

Bathroom area

We have 3 small toilets and a potty for the children to access. We also have a separate bathroom with nappy changing facilities.