Our Garden

We believe in the importance of a natural, calm outdoor space, the area will support your child’s physical development, knowledge and understanding of the world, and personal, social and emotional development.

We have a large, interactive and natural outdoor area.  The setting is free-flow which means that children can choose activities inside or outside.

The garden mirrors areas from the indoor environment, we have large chalkboards, a role-play area, a book area as well as a construction yard, mud kitchen, sand/water play and a climbing frame.  We access the garden in all weathers and do have the luxury of a covered area also.  We have a large barked area, shaded by trees, and a tarmac area for our bikes and gross motor play.

Alongside this beautiful space we also have access to the school fields and woods to encourage running, jumping, races, ring games and parachute play.

The children have been growing their own potatoes.
Playing Football