Stowupland Preschool is based in a growing village near Stowmarket town. The preschool boasts a large indoor and outdoor space ready for learning and development. We provide a safe, secure and inquisitive environment for children to grow.
The Preschool staff are very welcoming and friendly! We believe a supportive adult will aid and scaffold your child’s learning. Upon entry to the setting your child will be allocated a Key-person who will work closely with your child, developing their learning skills and basing their planning and next steps around your child’s interests.
We enjoy watching children grow from toddlers to School ready.
We are an inclusive setting, welcoming all children and celebrating each and every one of them. We encourage friendships, fun, play and laughter whilst providing a range of learning activities. We enjoy weekly walks in the village, exploring wooded areas and looking at the beautiful ever-changing seasons.